Good morning...kind of (it was morning when I started this post). Let's get onto some money saving tips.
Here is a place for really inexpensive accomodations when traveling quite nearly the world. The world really is your oyster or playground when you take advantage of This site is really incredible.
The Couch Surfing Project is a free internet based hospitality service. People open up their homes to fellow surfers (couch surfers that is - you don't have to be a literal surfer) and make a traveling experience not just more inexpensive but more full. Imagine going to Ireland and really getting to see Ireland with the people who live there. There are many people who are members who offer up their home and others whom will offer to pick you up at the airport and maybe show you around. The satisfaction for this group is at 96% which is crazy good. These are really very genuine, caring and honest people. Check it out, because I couldn't begin to express how cool this service is. I would like to look into it for even local hops, but truly if I could jet off to Ireland...I would definitely take advantage of
If you want to save money on those tickets check out Put your information in Kayak and you can get the best prices from all the sites rather than going to each one seperately and re-entering every detail. I LOVE this. You can check prices on flights from, Hotwire, Expedia, Travelocity and Priceline by clicking on each one, and Kayak will open a new window for each. This is such a great time saver.
Now A FREEBIE BREAK: is a great spot for free samples. I do not get a ton of junk mail from them or anything. Be sure to check out all their free samples, but the one I want to highlight is Emergen-C. Right now you can go to and get a free sample of Emergen-C multivitamin Plus Cherry Pomegranate flavor and a free sample of Emergen-C Lemonade Flavored Fizzy Drink Mix. When I was a waitress, we relied on these a lot to give us some extra vitamin C to keep us on our toes. Want to try it? Follow the link: Emergen-C.
My Top Saving Faves: Safeway...definitely get your coupons and head over to Safeway, because this week they will be quadrupling coupons up to 25cents! Turn that 25cent saving into a dollar off!
Other deals at Safeway:
Sweet Yellow Peaches 49 cents a pound
Flier coupon for Starkist Solid White Tuna for just 88 cents each with a limit of 3
Flier coupon for 18 count Lucerne large eggs just 99 cents
93% Lean Ground Beef 5lbs $1.77 a pound (love Albertson's ground beef!)
Large Slicing tomatoes 88 cents a pound
Albertsons Chunk or Shredded Cheese 8 oz 99 cents each!
Banquet Pot Pies 3 for $1.00 limit 6
Check out there fabulous buy 10 save $10 deal! There are a lot of items to choose from from cereal on up so be sure to check it out.
With this deal you can buy:
Progresso Soup 99 cents each
Old El Paso Taco Shells 99 cents each
USDA Choice Boneless Beef Cross Rib Steak $1.88 pound limit 2 packages
I have to admit that the fliers weren't thrilling this week, but again, if you catch the sales and buy the best items you totally can keep your pantry stocked with the deals when they come. Catch the ones that work for you!
By the way, I do hope that some of you were able to enjoy the free entry into National parks last weekend. My family and I enjoyed the Grand Canyon on Saturday. What a total treat it was!
Have a great week!
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