Good morning!!!! Let's get started!
First, I was talking this morning about my tomato growing progress. It is slow, but it has definitely gotten me excited about the possibility of growing a more substantial garden next year. Five tomatoes is nothing to sneeze at for me. Actually a live plant is pretty awesome for me. I am not usually too good with plants. Until I get a handle on growing my own luscious tomatoes and yummy veggies, I have decided to avail myself to the Farmer's Market in Prescott. Did you know that there are 53 Farmer's Markets in Arizona? I found a great site to share with you so you can look up the one nearest you! Keep in mind that these do not all run, but many do! Go to the United States Department of Agriculture site for Agricultural Marketing Service. Here is your link: Agricultural Marketing Service. Click on the line that says "FIND A FARMER'S MARKET IN YOUR STATE." With this site, you can really narrow down a search for your state and city.
Birthday freebies are the best freebies, and thanks to the 10 o'clock news I discovered another site that lists great birthday freebies by state! You can even narrow down categories. It is! You can search for adults, children, and even pet birthday treats! This isn't all about just swinging a free dessert so be sure to check it out! Here is your linkage: Free Birthday Treats
Definitely do not forget to hook yourself up with the awesome free music opportunities at! This week, you can download Phillips, Craig & Dean's song "Your Name" from their album Top of My Lungs, Todd Agnew's "In The Middle Of Me" from Reflection of Something, Bart Millard's "My Jesus I love Thee/'Tis So Sweet" from Hymned 1, and Derek Webb' s "A Love That's Stronger Than Our Fear" from The Ringing Bell. This is a great site from INO Records with great Christian music news, contests and free legal downloads! Here is your linkage: Free CCM Remember you do have to register.
Top Ten Sale Faves:
Safeway (need customer card):
1- 80% Lean Ground Beef - $1.47 lb (This is definitely the time to stock up!)
2- Yellow Nectarines - 79 cents a pound
3- Sanderson Farm Whole Chicken - 69 cents a pound
Safeway also has a great sale on Oscar Mayer products. Buy 5 and save $5.00! This is an optimal time to pick up some of their fabulous lunch meats for back-to-school lunch deals. After the buy 5 save $5, Oscar Mayer sliced beef bologna adds up to $2.49, sliced bacon $2.99, beef franks $2.00, fun pack lunchables $1.99 and Oscar Mayer Deli Shaved lunchmeat $2.49.
Safeway is also offering coupons in their flyer. My favorites are:
Lucerne Butter $1.49 (limit 1)
Barilla Pasta 69 cents (limit 1)
Lucerne 18 count eggs 99 cents (limit 1)
Don't forget that you can also go to Safeway's website and load coupons onto your loyalty card or even print some to bring into the store. Linkaroonie: Safeway Also remember that you can load even more coupons onto your loyalty card via cellfire.
Top Ten Sale Faves (cont):
Albertsons (no loyalty card needed and Wednesdays are 10% off for senior citizens!):
4- Boneless skinless chicken breasts $1.57 lb (THIS is AWESOME!)
5- Cooks Shank portion ham (bone in) 99 cents a pound
6- Honeydew melon 39 cents a pound
In addition, check out Albertons flier for coupon savings including;
Aim or Pepsodent 6 oz toothpaste 47 cents (limit 2)
Bush's Beans 57 cents (limit 6)
Hormel Little Sizzler sausage 77 cents (limit 2)
Iceburg lettuce 47 cents (limit 2)
$5 off a $50 purchase
$10 off a $100 purchase
This is not a coupon but I cannot continue without mentioning that Albertonsalso has London Broil for $1.67 a pound. This has become one of my new favorites, because it is so inexpensive, but it tastes amazing. I have taken to letting it marinade in some balsamic vinegar from morning until cooking time and then bake it at 275 for about 3 hours. The balsamic vinegar marinade gets the meat so yummy and tender! You slice this baby up like you would a roast and eat up. A half usually feeds my husband, son and myself with leftovers that go very nicely on top of a spring mix salad for lunch or a light dinner for two. :)
Top Ten Sale Faves (cont):
Fry's (loyalty card needed):
7- Hebrew National beef franks, Polish sausage or Knockwurst 2 for $5.00 (one is regularly $5.99!)
8- Boneless half pork loin 1.88 lb (limit 4)
9- Bartlet pears 77 cents a pound
10- Kroger organge juice 64 oz for 99 cents
There are also some other great deals at Fry's like:
Fry's instant oatmeal priced at just 2 for $3.00. I love this stuff.
Eggo waffles are also on sale at 2 for $3.00
Doritos are just $1.97 for 11.7 or 14.5 oz sizes
Fry's apple juice is $1.99 for 64 oz
And there are many, many more deals. Dont forget that you can also log more savings on your Fry's card via cellfire and go directly to Fry's website to also upload deals via the P&G eSaver.
Happy Saving! See you next week!
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