Good morning!!!!! Let the savings begin! It is Thursday and I am feeling a little corny, but then again...that is kind of a given for me. Here are some of the things I talked about today, and a little bit more.
Shopping Tips:
1 - Do not shop hungry! If you shop when you are hungry, you are more likely to buy impulse items which are rarely a good value for the money. Let's face it, impulse items are usually the higher fat and sugar items that offer that quickly satisfy with no real good food value. Do you buy an apple when you are hungry? If you do, great! I don't and most people I know don't either. I go for salty snacks. They are definitely my weakness, and although they quickly satisfy, I am going to want something more substantial fairly soon after.
2 - Shop ALONE! Yes this can be boring, but you will most likely save money. I spend a lot more when I am shopping with my son or shopping with my husband. My son encourages me to buy snacks that I might not otherwise buy if he were not with me. I WILL spend more money on a few additional treats because my son is with me. I will also spend more when my fabulous husband is with me. The man is always hungry, and that makes us buy more. He also comes up with some good purchase ideas, and honestly, I can't refuse. It is fun to shop with both my husband and my son. It just isn't always good for my budget. Remember you can totally have those shopping partners do something fun together. I do think it is good to bring your children with you sometimes, because it is good for them to know how much things cost and how to save money when shopping, but not if you are going to cave in like I've been guilty of doing on occasion!
3 - Check your unit prices. Most stores will not only have a price posted but the price per unit of measure. With this detail you can figure out how much an item really costs and what size is actually the best size to buy. Most of the time it is the largest size, but not always. So read that unit price! Also you may not want to buy that LARGE item if it is not going to store well. If you cannot use it up before it expires, it is not a bargain. I will add some more tips next week.
Now how about some linkage?
Walmart is giving away free Hallmark cards online! I got a really cute Christmas card last year from Walmart. These are Hallmark's Connections line which is great for just about any occasion. This is only while supplies last so get going: Free Card from Walmart
Shaun Groves has an amazing song called Kingdom Coming. It has an amazing message. It is a song about doing God's will here! He is kindly offering it for a free download!
Linkage: Shaun Groves Kingdom Coming
Nabisco has an amazing coupon booklet that you may be able to find in some stores. If not, check out this link. I filled out this form last week, and I got the booklet in the mail on Wednesday! This coupon booklet has two $20 rebates and $15 in coupon savings on Nabisco products. Again, these are all while supplies last! Linkage: Nabisco
Famous Footwear has a coupon for $10 off $50. I love this store! We do not skimp on shoes. Famous Footwear has good prices and always has great sales. They also have a loyalty card which enables you to earn points for more deals and savings by mail. If you enter your email on their link, they will send you a coupon via email. You can use it online or print it out and bring it into one of their stores. Linkage: Famous Footwear See you next week for some more deals! Have a great day!