Are you a social butterfly who loves to entertain? Do you like to be the one who is totally "in the know"? Do you like to have gatherings at your home? Do you like to try products for free? If you answered yes to any of these questions or are just curious then you will want to check out is where companies connect with customers to introduce new products and ideas. You could host a house party where you can try any number of new products. It is all for free and quite fun. Get details at the link below.
Now this is something I am bringing up, because I have been doing it for a long time, and I was shocked that no one I know is. I am talking about the My Coke Rewards program. It is pretty much what it says it is. It is a reward program for buying Coke products.
It works like this, you buy a soda and twist off the cap. Under the cap is a code. You go online to My Coke Rewards, register and then add in your code. You can even put in codes that are found on the 12 pack boxes. Each code is worth different values, but they all add up. Once they do, you can turn them in for prizes.
I have received magazine subscriptions to Better Homes and Gardens, Good Housekeeping, and Family Circle thanks to My Coke Rewards. You can also trade them in for picture prints from Snapfish, rental car discounts, coupons for 12 packs of Coke products and more. And this is the coolest, you can also donate your points to organizations like Habitat for Humanity. Really the variety is crazy, and it is all free. Get some details at the link below.
LINK: My Coke Rewards
Folgers is offering its Facebook fans free samples of their Special Roast coffee. Like them on Facebook to be part of this offer.
LINK: Folgers Special Roast Sample
Each day until May 4, Gillette is giving away some free Gillette ProGlides on their Facebook page. I suggest that you try this one early. If you got this last year like I did, you don't qualify.
LINK: Gillette ProGlide
Oh I love a birthday freebie! Joe's Crab Shack is one of my favorite fun places to eat, and you can sign up for their email updates and get a free appetizer when you sign up as well as another one on your birthday! As far as Arizona goes, I could only find two locations in Tempe.
LINK: Joe's Crab Shack
FREE MUSIC has free downloads this week for the Newsboys song "Save Your Life" and Martha Munizzi's song "Excellent." Remember you have to be a member to get the downloads, but they are great about not spamming you.
LINK: iTickets free music
Free CCM download this week is Chris Rice's song "Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go." You can also still download for free songs from Bart Millard, Laura Story, Jonny Diaz, The Choir, Catalyst Music Project, and Cloverton. Get in on these free downloads while you have the chance.
LINK: Free CCM music downloads
I found a great book for free via Amazon Kindle or Barnes & Noble Nook. It is called The Heart of Memory: A Novel by Alison Stobel. I downloaded it to my Nook, and I have to tell you that I just love it! Remember you can download both the Amazon Kindle App or The Barnes & Noble Nook App to your iPad, iPhone, Android or PC.
LINK: The Heart of Memory (Amazon)
LINK: The Heart of Memory (Nook)
Sign up for email newsletters from Common Sense With Money and you will get a link to her Ebook "Extreme Couponing 101." More and more, this kind of information is truly a blessing.
LINK: Common Sense With Money Extreme Couponing 101
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