In the past two months, there have been some dramatic changes in the world, and these have brought about some changes locally. I don't know about you, but it is getting harder to buy cheap. What I have learned in my recent trips to the supermarket.
1- A list is a real must for keeping yourself on the spending track. Stick to it, and you will be better off. It is when we get sidetracked by goodies (which can even include a great sale) that we can start to go over our limits and bend our budget. I am pretty strict with myself about shopping, and I have thought I can get away without a list...I CAN'T.
2- If at all possible, combine your shopping with either errands or do it all in one day. I like to put a styrofoam cooler in the car and shop at all my stores and be done with it.
3- It is now more important than ever to know your prices and buy when those faves of yours are at "your price." For example, I don't buy a lot of canned soups, but I will buy them when I have coupons and they are on a price that is good for me. I will buy Chunky soup like crazy during Football season, because I can always find lots of coupons and get them at a sale price of $1.00. If I cannot get an item at my price, I do not buy it. When the item IS at my price, I buy A LOT! :) This is why I totally stocked up on Ravioli when it was on a crazy sale of 69 cents when you bought 10 participating items (the deal also included a buy later catalina at Fry's for $3.00 off a future order). Needless to say, I bought 10. Normally my price for Raviolis is a dollar so this deal was practically a joke.
4- Meat prices are going up so again, when you see your price GRAB IT and grab a lot of it. Also do not pass up the manager's mark downs. You may find your favorite cuts at your favorite prices. Just freeze it up when you get home. I do this all the time.
5- Get comfy with the fruits and veggies that are on sale. You can still get good nutrition and buy fresh fruits and vegetables, but you may have to enjoy different varieties as you wait for your favorite to cycle through the sales. And of course you can definitely enjoy frozen and even canned veggies because they are processed within hours of processing. For recipes, I have found that I can buy frozen chopped veggies and really save that way.
6- Coupons are your friend, do not leave home without them. Truly if you are going to hit the store, bring your coupons with you (what works for me is just leaving them in my glove compartment). I try to stay away from quick stops at the grocery store, because it means I am shopping outside of my usual shopping trip and probably coloring outside the lines of my budget, but there are times when I pick my son up from school and will make a stop at Albertsons (it is on the way home) because I need to grab hamburger buns or something like that. On these occasions I may take a quick look around, and I have often found a sale or two that have worked with my coupons. I have also found great manager markdowns that I have been able to get an even better deal on because I had corresponding coupons.
Since the Superbowl, more people are becoming aware of social shopping sites like Groupon. Groupon is a great way to get a local and occasionally a national deal by using the power of collective buying. It is like buying in bulk online. Here are a few sites to check out:
Groupon: I imagine at this point if you caught the Superbowl commercial or if you are just browsing on the internet, you have probably seen Groupon. Groupon can connect you to some amazing local deals. As far as us in AZ, there are great deals in the Phoenix area as well as Tucson, but you can often find some nice online deals with Groupon as well. Sign up and they will email you the deals or log in and check out what is up.
LivingSocial: Living Social shares local deals with you. You decide what to buy and if you refer some friends to the deal you got and three buy using your link, YOU get yours FREE! Either way you are already getting a great deal, but by spreading the word socially you are sharing a good deal with friends who may want in on that deal and helping them and maybe yourself.
Woot: Woot is the original daily deal site. Sign up with Woot and get in on some amazing deals. From midnight until 11:59pm or until the deal is sold out. You never know what you will find, but you will definitely find some cool things (from electronics to toy gadgets) and great prices.
Jasmere: I love Jasmere. Jasmere hooks you up with online businesses that they have checked out thoroughly. Jasmere works online like Groupon works on the street. Jasmere brings a daily deal to you for fabulous web based specialty shops. If you like the deal, you sign up for it. If not, pass on it. Get friends to join Jasmere, and get $10 credit. When you see a deal you like on Jasmere, buy it at the current price. The more people who buy the deal will bring the price down and you will not be charged until the deal is over, and you will get it at the lowest price.
Share a free sample of Quaker Oatmeal Squares with up to 10 friends. Follow the link below and get to sharing while supplies last.
LINK: Quaker Oatmeal Squares
Follow the link below to NeilMed Sinus Rinse which will take you to their Facebook page. Like them and sign up for a free sample. I swear by their netipot.
LINK: NeilMed Sinus Rinse
Miracle Whip still has samples available so go now while supplies last.
LINK: Miracle Whip is offering a free pedometer. Stop by the link below and get the details.
LINK: Free Pedometer
Get your hands on a sample of Purex Complete with Zout. I found this freebie last Thursday evening, and it is still going strong so get it while it lasts!
LINK: Purex Complete with Zout
Join Chili's email club and get a free order of Skillet Queso and Chips.
LINK: Chili's Email Club Freebie
Mio is a cool water flavor enhancer, and right now they are offering a free sample to facebook fans. Check them out at the link below.
Get the Amazon Kindle version of Living Rich by Spending Smart - How To Get More of What You Really Want by Gregory Karp. This is an awesome book that will help you learn to save on every day expenses.
LINK: Living Rich by Spending Smart
Amazon also has a Kindle version of Money and Marriage by Matt Bell which will help a couple focus on their financial strengths. Bell also focuses on Biblical principals. This is a great read for couples who need some financial guidance.
LINK: Money and Marriage
Remember you do not need a Kindle to download these books. You can get Kindle on your Blackberry, iPhone, Android, iPad, and PC.
Do you have some pics just waiting to get developed? You can get 100 pictures developed for just $5 with free shipping at Snapfish. Simply use the code PADDY20 before March 20th! Don't pass this up.
LINK: Snapfish Deal
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