Don’t Miss The Real Christmas
God Revealing His Word-JESUS
Jesus is unique, The Second Person of The Godhead. The Eternal Word is a person and that person is The Son of The Living God. He was never created. He had no beginning. The heaven-sent Son of God is The Only source of Eternal Life through Grace (undeserved Favour), He is The Word of God. Jesus has Eternal Life in Himself. He is Eternally Alive.
The Bible reveals that the Word of God is not a characteristic of God, but single within the Godhead, being The Son of God dwelling with God before Creation began. The Word, as The Son of God, existed in His own right. From Eternity He has not been distinct from within The Godhead.
TLB John 1:1-5 Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. 2 He has always been alive and is himself God. 3 He created everything there is--nothing exists that he didn't make. 4 Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind. 5 His life is the light that shines through the darkness--and the darkness can never extinguish it.
NIV John 1:1-5
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 He was with God in the beginning.
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
God is concerned with the disclosure of Himself to mankind.
The Word of God is the Name of Jesus Christ. Eternal Truth is embodied in The Word. The Word spoke to the prophets of The Old Testament and Christ is the Spirit of prophecy. In Christ, God has expressed Himself to mankind. Christ's words have Sovereign power and as God's Word so is Christ, trustworthy, true, flawless, infallible, obeyed by angels, eternal, pre-existent, exalted above all things, it is living, active and enduring. The Word of God restrains evil, heals and rescues, saves and brought about The
The Bible reveals the Word of God and that Word was in the beginning, was with God and is God. Jesus being The Word of Life, is a straight forward declaration of Christ's deity, since The Word is used to describe Jesus. The Word is the very quality of God although still retaining personal distinction from God the Father. The fullness of The Godhead and Christ the Word, are recognized. The Word possessed nothing less than full deity. The Universe was made by The Word of God, who is Jesus Christ, the second person of The Godhead. God's Word has sovereign power.
Christianity is not a legal system or religious rituals, but a commitment to a Living Person. It was what Jesus has done for mankind personally. Religious ceremony cannot change a person because there is no life in it. The Word of God has the power to create, to sustain all of creation, has the power to heal, the power to give new birth, the power to judge the thoughts and attitudes of the hearts of mankind, the power to save people, to make believers holy, to give faith and hope to mankind and the power to fight against the enemy.
· Jesus is the Creative Word of God
· He is The Word of Life
· The Victorious Word, He has overcome Death
· Jesus is “The Word” embodied in flesh; invested with a body of a human form.
God's Word is exalted above all else, and is the two edged Sword of the Spirit. Christ is God's Word and is reliable, true, flawless, alive and active, eternal, enduring and will not return empty. To know Jesus, and listen to what He has declared and expounded about God, the Father, is to know as much as humans can know, what people are capable of knowing until He shall be seen as He is, when He appears at His Second Coming.
But you say “Jesus isn't there for me to see and focus on as He was for those who lived during His time on Earth??”
When you have your mind fully occupied by God's Word it's the same as having it fully focused on Jesus. How can this be? This is because Jesus is the incarnation of God's Word.
Let me give you a practical example of how this works. Let's say your capabilities are being stretched to the limit. You can live above the tension or pressure of this by focusing your mind on Jesus. How? By focusing your mind on a Word of God that He gives you in the Bible like this one,
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
The Word is the Voice of Jesus Our Savior and Lord. The Living Word! He speaks to His Children in His Word. Turn to that Word and hear Him Speak to You Now!
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