"And they overcame him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." (Revelation 12:11).
Your testimony is about what you have experienced - what you have seen and heard. A real Christian can talk about their experiences with God through Jesus Christ. We as Christians are called to a relationship of real communication with the Son of God. God comes to live inside us. Things change. God deals with every person in a different way. The more Christians that come forward and talk about how God has
intervened in their life, the more people will begin to realize that God is for real, miracles do happen, and prayer works. This will inspire others to seek God and turn from their sins so that they too can know the peace and satisfaction that comes to a person who truly gives their life over to God.
Acts 1:8 says, "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in
To be a witness to Jesus is to speak and communicate the things
that you have seen and heard in your life, that happened because of Jesus. It’s the Holy Spirit who makes Jesus real to us, and makes Jesus real through us. God's plan is for people to hear the good news that Jesus Christ paid for their sins, and conquered death for us through rising from the dead. After believing, people should go on to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and then testify to others what God has done for them.
One of the greatest testimonies was from a power pagan emperor who came to know that the God of
"I thought it good to declare the signs and wonders that the Most High God has worked for me." (Daniel 4:2).
Like Nebuchadnezzar, we should seek to glorify God all over the world. Now, with Radio Shine and the advent of the internet, it is possible to do this all over the world with very modest resources. I want to encourage YOU to do your part in spreading the fame of our God by writing down your story or sharing it with us all through the medium of the Radio or the internet.
Many people are getting challenged and uplifted by the testimonies that our listeners share on Wednesday and everyday by their phone calls, letters and e-mails. You too can share your story with the world through this station and our e-mail info@radioshine.org or steve@radioshine.org.. You can reach people that no one else can reach by sharing what the Lord has done for you
The Bible says, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!" (1 Chronicles 16:8).
If you have been rescued by God from your sin and the consequences of it, one of the ways you can express thanks to God is by telling others of what happened. Writing your story down will equip you to share it verbally with others, and will enable you to reach at least one person per day for the rest of your life for the Lord.
Other Considerations on Sharing your Testimony
If you have really drawn near to God, you will be like Peter, who said, "For we cannot but speak of the things we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20) Even when he was persecuted and threatened on account of his testimony, and the power of the name of Jesus that he was operating in. The most important thing to testify of, though,
is not physical miracles, as wonderful as they are, but the way God has redeemed your soul - bought you out of the hand of the devil for himself.
The Bibles says in Psalm 107:2, "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy".
It is a wonderful thing when we can honestly testify that we now know God has forgiven our sins. If God has redeemed you, then you
should say so - publicly. And one of the best public forums today for this is Christian Radio and the internet. Go to steve@radioshine.org any time and share what God is doing in your life or call (888) 587-4463 Wednesday Mornings between 6:30am – 9am to testify for Our Lord Jesus. Radio Shine is here to encourage you in your faith!
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