Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is Jesus Really My Treasured King?


Is Jesus Really My Treasured King

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Mat 6:21

Often times I assess where Jesus is in the big picture of my life. I have been a Christian now for many years and during the years I have seen definite seasons of the extent to which I treasure my King. I often hear how people like to look back over the years to see how their faith has grown and how they have changed for the better and I’m no exception. However it’s a sobering thought to realize that this hasn’t always been my reality. If I am honest with my self, I would admit that over the years, due to various issues in my life, I have had times when there were other things I treasured more then my Savior and King. Intellectually I knew Jesus. I quote Scriptures. I debate and defend attacks on the Christian faith all the time. Intellectually I got Jesus, but my heart was another story. Thank god He is longsuffering and patient with his children like me, always drawing and bidding me to return to Him completely by abandoning my carnal and misled desires.

What staggers me is this abandonment and surrender in the pursuit of desiring God as My only King is all that is needed to return to the greatest joy and pleasure in life. His heart embodies all that my intellect lacks and cries out for when it comes to intimately craving for Jesus. And his words sometimes leave me wondering, “what on earth am I missing when it comes to knowing Jesus?” The answer is just surrender and wanting Him as He is because all that He has completed makes this possible. Nothing else!

It’s a sobering thought when you realized that you have slipped so far away from where you need to be. And so we need to pray that our heart is changed. I need to know exactly how I have replaced the eternal treasure of knowing and pursuing Jesus with the junk I am wasting my life with.

Jesus said..“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Mat 6:21

I love how he nailed human understanding every time He spoke. And right now He knows where my and your treasure is because He senses the absence of my heart. And so I will pray and I will mediate on two of His parables regarding true treasure – Him & His Kingdom.

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Mat 13:44-45

He is indeed the Desire of the Ages. Be sure He is you desire and He will give you Life, Life more abundant than ever thought possible. Jesus will be not only our Savior, but our King of Kings and Lord of Lords if we surrender all to Him!

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