Some Freebies
A quick note about signing up for free samples. Don't forget when signing up for freebies, be careful on the information you divulge. I have never had an issue with the free items that I post. For example, I would not get involved with the free items that require you to complete several things in order to get the free sample (there are a few out there that require you to sign up for other things in order to get your samples). Most of the time I only go directly to the company's website. The exception is when I get samples through Start Sampling, Walmart, Costco or Sam's Club. An email address specifically used for freebies is a good idea too. Most companies do not require a phone number. If you are asked to give yours, I would only give in special circumstances. I have yet to get one phone call due to freebies and fishing. I use a special email address at gmail rather than my home email, and that address is great with regards to spam email. I have been trying free samples for about 13 years, and I have never had a problem.
Focus on the Family is offering a free 6 month trial subscription to Thriving Family. LINK: Thriving Family
iTickets has two free downloads. You Set the Rhythm by Newworldson and Bounce J-Rus from the soundtrack To Save a Life
LINK: iTickets free music download of the week
Free Hot Beverage
Nestle's ABUELITA is one of my favorite steamy treats. Try it out now by following the link.
LINK: Abuelita Granulado
Free Recipe Book
SeaPak Shrimp Company has a free recipe book featuring 15 meals that cost less than $10. This definitely is right up my alley. Special thanks to Hey It's Free!
LINK: SeaPak Recipes
Crest White Strips
Walmart has free Crest White Strips samples right now. Just follow the link below. Be sure to click on the white strips to request your sample.
LINK: Crest White Strips Sample
Hair Care
Walmart also has free samples for Fekkai Hair Care. Right now you can choose from Glossing Shampoo and Conditioner, Technician Color Care Shampoo and 3-Minute Mask or Glossing Cream.
LINK: Fekkai Hair Care
Free Candy Sample
Remember Lemonheads? I use to love these when I was a child. My son loves them now, and I am sure he will like to try out the new Tropical Fruit flavor. Get a free sample by following the link below.
LINK: Tropical Chewy Lemonheads
Free Underjams
This is the nightwear for kids by Pampers, and now Walmart has a free sample. Thanks to
LINK: Underjams
Free Sample Lever 2000 for Costco Members
You do need to be a Costco Member, but if you are, this is a great chance to try out Lever 2000.
LINK: Lever 2000
Free Splenda
You can try the Splenda sweetner with fiber or either of the Splenda Flavors for coffee in either mocha or hazelnut. :)
LINK: Free Splenda
Remember all coupons are still worth up to $1.00
-- Fresh 93% Lean Ground Beef $1.99 a pound
-- Green or Red Seedless Grapes 99 cents a pound
-- Saturday and Sunday only - 5 pound bag of Idaho Russet Potatoes just 68 cents each (limit 2)
Also, look for the $10 Rewards tag on Participating Procter and Gamble products. Buy $25 worth of select P&G products and get back a $10.00 reward off your next shopping order. Be sure to look for the participating items and their tags.
-- Fresh Boneless, skinless chicken breast $1.67 a pound
-- Buy 10 and save $3.00 on participating items.
EX: Ragu Pasta Sauce $1.28
Chef Boyardee Pasta 67 cents
Dial or Tone bars (6 to 8 ct) or body wash $2.99 each
-- London Broil $1.77 a pound
-- Broccoli 68 cents a pound
-- Jif Peanut Butter or Smuckers Jam 2 for $5.00
We were watching the news the other day and a report gave me a huge reminder of how important it is to know your prices and check your receipts when you go shopping. The Arizona Department of Weights and Measures goes out and makes random visits to businesses to make sure customers aren't paying more than they should. Unfortunately they do find businesses that do not have all their prices correct. If they aren't, the stores get fined. I have made a habit of really checking my receipts since I lived in Rhode Island. One of the stores I frequented would actually give you an item free if they scanned it incorrectly. This was definitely a great incentive to double check your prices on both ends, and it definitely inspired me to be more diligent with my receipt checking. Still though, there are times that I didn't check items until I got home. This is annoying when you get home and realize that there was an error. As I mentioned this morning, had I not checked out my receipt after a shopping trip on Tuesday, I could have been out twelve dollars.
Here is what helped me in discovering the error and recovering my cash.
1 - Know the prices of the items you are buying even non sale items.
2 - When you are purchasing an group of items to get a special discount, be sure you are buying the correct items and sizes.
3 - Know the sale details. Ex: If it is mix and match or if you need to buy the same item to get the discount.
4 - If you miss an error at the register, don't be afraid to go to the service desk to make the adjustment.
If you want to read the story, follow the link below.
LINK: State Cracks Down On UPC Pricing Errors
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