Good morning! Today's Thrifty Tip is about saving money by saving energy. With our Arizona mornings getting brisker and more on the chilly side, it is a good time to start thinking of ways to save on heating, cooking, and whatever else you use energy for.
I have some awesome tips that I got from one of my all-time favorite books "Frugal Living For Dummies" by Deborah Taylor-Hough. I stumbled on this book at The Local Bookie, a used bookstore in Conway, New Hampshire. This bookstore was a must stop for me when I lived in Rhode Island and spent a little time enjoying the factory outlet shopping in North Conway. I picked this beauty up for a steal at 50 cents, and it has been one of my constant companions when it comes to saving money.
Last week when I woke up feeling downright chilly, I decided to focus on ways to save energy. Here are a few things I practiced when I lived in a third floor converted attic apartment, was a single mom, and saving money and energy was a HUGE priority.
1- Use a draft stopper in front of outside doors to help keep cold air out and warm air in. I did this in a variety of ways. You can purchase a draft stopper at some stores, craft shows or online. They are roughly 33 inches long and made with sand and some pretty fabric or even in animal shapes. You can totally spend the money and have something that is quite cute and decorative and functional for between $15 to $30. Or you can do what I do. Make your own. I would take the sleeves from sweaters or sweatshirts that we no longer used, cut them and fill them up with plastic grocery bags and tied the ends off with ribbon or would stitch them. This made them pliable and I could kind of smoosh them under the door a bit. These were not stunning looking, BUT I never kept them out for viewing. It was more of a night thing and something I put at our back door. If you want to keep them out and can be a little more creative than myself, I have a link here with directions on how to make your own from eHow or a cute draft snake from one of my favorite sites and finally a draft snake or dog from
Link: How To Make A Draft Stopper
Link: How To Make A Draft Snake
Link: How To Make A Draft Snake or Dog
All of these are fairly simple.
APOLOGIES: I have to come back and finish this post. I did want to get at least part of it out. We lost internet access for a while there, and I was unable to complete my thrifty tips post. I will complete it on Tuesday.
Kelly :)
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