Who doesn't like the dramatic hamster? :)
I'm sorry for not posting this sooner. I am squeezing it in before the end of my work day though.
Today I talked about the latest Home Depot Kids Workshops. These really are incredible. This really is a wonderful way for your children to learn a new skill while being completely supervised. And really, is there anything better than getting something handmade from your child? Check with your local Home Depot. They have a new workshop for kids on the first Saturday of every month. This Saturday, June 6th your child can make a hardware sorter. This is a perfect gift! Check it out!
Next month on July 4th, your children can make a cool picnic caddy! Here is that little beauty!
The Linkage: Follow this link for details, and be sure to check with your local Home Depot. You usually need to register for these so give them a call.
I also mentioned how I like to take online surveys. I got into taking online surveys because I loved getting to try free products and some sites actually pay you.
Things to Know:
1. Never pay for survey site addresses. There are tons out there and you can find their names for free (I am only listing my three favorites and also these three are not referral sites so I am getting nada for telling you about them).
2. This is not going to be a full time job, so don't ever expect a full time income. Again, they do not pay you a lot so remember this is not something you can earn a living on, but as I have said, these are companies that do pay so check them out. Some of the surveys pay and some enter you into a drawing.
3. The important thing to remember is that this is not just about making a little cash. You do a survey and you get compensated from the company, but they are looking for people who are honestly reading the questions and giving real and thoughtful answers.
4. Sometimes you will be sent a survey invitation and when you start taking the survey you may find out you do not qualify or your demographic has been filled. Don't stress it. Most of the time when that happens you will entered into drawings as a thank you for your time.
Here are my favorites:
My View - This site either gives you paid surveys or you enter surveys for drawings. I do them all, because the more they know about me, the more surveys I get. One note...NEVER rush through a survey to get it done. They can tell and you can lose your membership. This is about helping a company and in turn you get some money. My View pays through paypal so you do need a paypal account for it. With My View, I just survey and don't worry about it, and once or twice a year I see how my balance is and then have it transferred to my paypal account. I have used them for over two years, and I have never had a problem. I have taken surveys on dining out, movies, and many other things. It all varies.
Survey Spot - I love Survey Spot and I have a lot of friends who use it too. Survey Spot will send you survey invitations and when you complete one, you will often get asked if you want to do another until your surveys are all done. Some surveys are very long. You do need to be patient and answer all the questions. Because again, this is not just about you making money. You are being paid for your honest answers and consideration. Many of the surveys are for drawings and some are for money. Usually you have to build up to about $20 before they mail you a check, but they do pay. They really do.
Greenfield Online - This survey site is like the other two I mentioned. You can earn money, sometimes test a product, and sometimes be entered into a drawing. I have enjoyed the surveys that I have done with them.
More Ways to Save:
Exercise: Save money on exercising at a gym by taking a class at your local community college. Not only will you learn something new and make new friends, but you can also use the gym with your student ID!!! You don't have to be 18 to your early 20s to take classes. Also some community classes have classes like aerobics and weight lifting. So you will have an instructor there to tell you how to do things. This is definitey a way to get more bang for your buck!
COUPON LINKAGE: Do you live near an Orange Julius? I do!!!! And guess what? June 19th is Free Light Smoothie day at Organge Julius! Just click on the following link to their website and download the coupon: ORANGE JULIUS YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE COUPON! :)
More next week! See you then!
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