Good LATE afternoon! I am sorry about just jumping on here to post. Let's get started! In case you are wondering...the above picture has nothing to do with my post. It is just cute. Kittens are cute and bring a smile to my face. Maybe they'll bring a smile to yours too. :) Actually, I do hope I can help with a few thrifty tips.
Let's talk about saving:
Yes...water. As I said on the air, I love All You magazine. Not only is it a great magazine for saving money and other information but it is also loaded with coupons! Literally well worth the price. Here is a little something I found about saving money the water way.
1 - If you wash your car at home, use a bucket and not a hose to wash with. A hose can go through up to 6 gallons of water in a minute! That is a lot of water!
2 - Conserve water when you water your yard by watering in the early morning or late in the evening. Let the ground get a chance to absorb the water rather than letting the sun do the job! Especially in Arizona. It doesn't take long! If you have sprinklers work the position of your sprinklers so to avoid watering your sidewalk and driveway which is a big waste. AND!!!! This is cool, if you raise the blades on your lawn mower to at least three inches it will encourage the grass roots to grow deeper which shades the root system and holds soil moisture better. Nice!
There are a lot of ways to save water in and out of the home. Remember, just because you aren't paying for it, doesn't mean you should waste it. I have a few more tips to share with you. Some I also found at American Water and Energy Savers. Great site with tons of tips!
Simple tips:
-- I learned this one as a tyke. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth. Once you are actually brushing your teeth, let's face it, letting the water run is just white noise and wasteful! So turn it off. Also you can use some of the rinse time to warm up the water for washing your face.
-- This was something we were very accustomed to when I lived in California, and really I want to get back into. Never put water down the drain when there may be another thing you can use it for. If you are washing some dishes by hand and rincing, use a basin and take that water outside to the garden.
-- I was once guilty of this. Avoid flushing the toilet when not necessary. In other words do not use the toilet to dispose of tissues (which I recently learned shouldn't be flushed - not tp, facial tissues) or insects. Use a garbage can.
-- Take shorter showers and loom into replacing your shower head with a low flow version. I am not saying don't get clean, but see how fast you can actually do everything and get out. There are a lot of ways to relax besides sitting in a nice hot shower. I'll share some if you'd like. :)
-- Automatic dishwashers and clothes washers should be ran when full and when properly set for the size of load you are doing. Don't overfill your washer with water when you have a light load. :)
-- Store drinking water in a pitcher in your refrigerator rather than waiting for it to cool on the tap. A fuller fridge works more efficiently as it has less room to try to cool (bonus).
Another little thing I have discovered while trying to be a better steward with my money is when to buy certain items. When to buy is an important part of smart shopping. There are tons of inside issues I had no awareness.
Here is something I shared this morning when reminded again by All You. May is a great time to buy picnic items, outdoor furniture and ...last year's sneaker styles. Seriously, I am pretty simple, and so is my son when it comes to our shoe taste, and it is certainly better for us to take advantage of these older styles rather than worry about a new style that isn't much different anyway.
And June...oh June is a great time to pick up swimsuits, summer wear, and also is a great time to buy tools for dad and tech items for your grad. Or tech it out for dad and tool up your grad. :) Either way, June is the time to pick up these items.
This reminds me of another deal. Right now, Children's Place is having a huge sale online right now. This is a great time to check them out. They have very reasonable shipping rates of $5 no matter what size your order is.
Hey, I was also talking about a freebie today. This is pretty cool. Burt's Bees is giving away 25000 bees wax lip balms in 25 days! Each day they are giving away 1000. It is a celebration of their 25 birthday and not easy to get! Well not easy to get for free. The giveaway starts at 9am EDT to 12pm EDT and so far...I haven't got it, but I am not giving up. Here is the link if you would like to try too. Burt's Bees 25
LAST Deal of the moment: Do not forget that right now Basha's is doubling coupons up to $1!!!! That means a 75 center can become 1.50 off! A $1 off is now $2!!!! This is just until June 2. So get there FAST! Can you imagine such a deal? I am beyond stoked, and I am totally bringing my $1 coupons to Basha's. Hope to see you there.